From Daniel's Desk on 3/7/24

My Title: Find your REST in Him
My Verse: 16
"Your people shall be my people, and your God my God."
My Response:
Oh DANG. Mind melt. Ruth is returning with Naomi BECAUSE she is going WHERE SHE KNOWS THE LIVING AND TRUE GOD IS!
As those ADOPTED INTO God's family I think we can allow ourselves to take our eyes off of Jesus and the hope that we have in Him and focus more on the scary situations that He's allowed to surround us. We forget the weight and measure of the struggles in this life when we have to face them without the hope of Savior that has promised to never leave us. - Ruth knew what the cold dark and ruthless, godless world had to offer. She had also seen the light of a true, loving and LIVING God in this new family. She was willing to risk her LIFE on the HOPE that His love would find a way to adopt her into His people.
These struggles are meant to produce endurance. Strengthen our faith. Make us more like Christ and form us into His image. Our faith and hope should lead others to SEE the living God walking WITH us! - I am way too guilty of complaining about how my God isn't my genie in a bottle rather than boasting of the powerful and mighty LIVING KING He is that has invited me to be apart of HIS incredible story.
Ruth Ch. 1: Ruth's Hope
Don't let your circumstances define your God. Instead, let God define your circumstances!
My Notes:
Ruth happens in the days of the judges. Not a good time for woman!
Everyone is doing what is right in their own eyes.
Women are NOT valued by men.
Vs. 13: "It is exceedingly bitter to me for your sake that the hand of the Lord has gone out against me." - Naomi
Ruth (As bad as their situation is) TRUSTED God!
Heather - BE a mother-in-law like this!
Luke - MARRY a woman like this!
Addi & Reagan - BE a woman like this!
Naomi wants to change her name to Mara (bitter) because the Lord has dealt very bitterly with her. - She left FULL but now is returning to her home empty.
Your identity needs to be wrapped in the LORD not your circumstances!
Remember that you have been invited to be apart of GOD'S STORY... you didn't invite Him to be apart of yours!