Famplify Pilot Series | DELIVERANCE | God's MIGHTY Arm of Faithfulness

Have you ever felt like you weren’t good enough? Or that you’ve been working really hard and just aren’t measuring up? Have you made some mistakes that you think will define you forever or might disqualify you from doing something big for the Lord, or even worse make you unworthy of His love!? God’s MIGHTY arm of deliverance is bigger than you, your shortcomings and your mistakes. Jesus WANTS you to have a greater relationship with Him, starting today, and this 8 week new Famplify Series | Deliverance reminds us of God’s faithful love and devotion to us for His glory and for your heart.
EXODUS 1-14 | DELIVERANCE Weekly Devotional List
Week 1 | Proper Fear | What does it mean to fear God?
Week 2 | Perfect Plan | Moses’ birth was crazy but not out of control.
Week 3 | Protection | No mistake is too big for God.
Week 4 | Power Full Calling | God’s call is a powerful call to be full of power.
Week 5 | Pesky Persistence | What made you think this was going to be easy?
Week 6 | Plague After Plague | God’s mighty arm of deliverance.
Week 7 | Passover Picture | The perfect sacrifice and the wrath of God.
Week 8 | Parting the Sea | The faithful God that offers deliverance.
DELIVERANCE Series Resources:

Leader Guidebook:
Available on Amazon
Famplify D.I.G. Format Devotional Notebooks/Journals:
Helpful Videos:
Our WHY:
Set Up For Success:
Series Welcome: